Correct Method of Watering Your Sod

The initial sprinkling a freshly laid sod receives is the most important one it will ever receive. Begin watering soon after you put in the sod. This first watering determines the way the grass plants carry out for the following few years and this is a single product you do not want to dry out.
Here are some advice on proper watering:

• Avoid hand sprinkling. You won’t be as even and objective in your watering as will an automatic sprinkler. You also do not need the patience to wet down every single blade of grass. Your automatic sprinkler has sufficient patience for both of you.
• After you’ve watered for an hour, pull back the corner of a section of sod and push a screwdriver (or some other pointed tool) down into the soil. The blade should go in very easily. Whenever you pull it out, the blade ought to be soaked and present moisture along its first 3 to 4 inches. If not, retain watering.
• You have to be absolutely certain that water is becoming for all parts of the newly sod lawn. If there is a problem, it is almost certainly to be at the corners and edges where sprinkler patterns don’t reach or don’t reach well. These areas do not get as much water as the middle of the sod, so this is where problems occur first. Additionally, areas nearest to the house can be a problem because they dry out faster because of the reflected heat from the home. Watch these areas for drying and give them extra water.
• Sometimes if the sod is laid on a slope, you’ll see water run-off before the underlying soil is adequately watered, as measured by your “high-tech” screwdriver water measuring device. If run-off occurs, stop the sprinkler or move it to a different area for 30 to 45 minutes. After the water has had a chance to soak in, test it with your screwdriver and start watering again if needed. You might need to do this again several times to get a great soaking, particularly on a steep slope.
• Keep the soil under the sod wet for at least two weeks to give the new roots an opportunity to permeate and begin growing properly.
• After a couple of days, it’s not a good idea to move the corner of the sod back to look into the soil moisture levels. If you slowly move the sod, you will be pulling up newly established roots. Simply stick your screwdriver into the ground and take into account the fullness of the sod when assessing the soil moisture levels.
• Water as at the beginning of the morning as you possibly can to take advantage of the growing cycle. Grass begins to grow very early (immediately after sun up), and if it has adequate water, it will grow faster. You will also save water if you apply it in the early morning.
Owning an instant lawn is the main benefit of sod. The main disadvantage is its higher cost. You are paying someone else to grow the turf for you, and I’m sure convenience never comes cheap. Visit San Jose sod to learn more.

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